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Children's Formation

Elementary Christian Formation

Soulful activities that bring joy, encourage that relationship with Jesus even in the youngest children. The growth of that relationship is the goal of the Elementary Christian Formation Program. The beauty of the Catholic faith is the gateway into the Church. Evangelization is the ongoing work of all the baptized and how the entire parish becomes the training ground for catechesis

The methodology we use for elementary formation is called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. It centers around a sacred space called an ATRIUM.

  • The atrium is a place of prayer, in which work and study spontaneously become meditation, contemplation, and prayer. Each week the children will be shown a presentation centered around Liturgy, Scripture, or Salvation history. After the presentation the child will have time to work with various handmade materials that will develop and enhance their relationship with God.
  • The atrium is a place in which the only Teacher is Christ; both children and adults place themselves in a listening stance before his Word and seek to penetrate the mystery of the liturgical celebration. 
  • Weekly attendance at formation should be accompanied by weekly attendance at Mass.


The Elementary Christian Formation Program is available to

Pre-school children (starting at age 4) through the 5th Grade.


Twice a month during 10am Mass, Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW) provides Sunday readings in the child’s vocabulary for children ages 4 to 7 years old.


VBS is held every summer and is open to all elementary school children. The children gather together for scripture, song, games, and crafts.

In Baptism parents have undertaken the responsibility of raising their child in the practice of the faith. It is critical that parents prepare for this role by deepening their own faith life. Parents witness to their faith by actively engaging in the life and mission of the parish through all the years of their children’s growth and spiritual development. The formation programs here at St. Olaf supplement the Scripture readings, prayers, blessings, devotions and stories of the saints shared in the home.

At Mass children also learn about the life of Christ and the rituals of liturgy; and for the older child, reception of the Eucharist. The wish is for all children to continue to walk in the light entrusted to them at their Baptism. We seek to help your child keep that light burning brightly so that your child, enlightened by Christ, may walk always as a child of the light and preserve in the faith.

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